"Never stop emproving"

From Product Owner to Wedding Singer

My day job? Wrangling pixels and code as a Product Owner at iPaper, crafting the best digital catalog software for businesses. But wait, there's more!

By night, I switch gears, belting out tunes and strumming my guitar as part of a dynamic wedding duo. Music ignites a different creative spark, letting me connect with couples on their special day.

Weekends are for conquering gravel. I'm a bike-building enthusiast, crafting the perfect machine for dusty trails and long hauls. And let's not forget the long-distance runs that keep me grounded.

It might seem like a wild mix, but these passions share a common thread: creation, connection, and pushing limits. Whether it's building a user-friendly platform, crafting an unforgettable performance, or tackling a challenging ride, each pursuit fuels my drive to innovate and make a difference.

So, the next time you browse a stunning digital catalog, remember, the product owner behind it might also be serenading a happy couple or disappearing into a cloud of gravel dust.

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